If no player is found, no trader is spawned but the chance for future attempts is reset to 25%. When attempting a spawn, a random player is selected. The first time there is a 25% chance of making the attempt, which increases to 50% the second time and is 75% thereafter until a trader is spawned or no player is found for the attempt. When the counter reaches 0 it is reset to 24000 and, if / gamerule doMobSpawning is set to true, an attempt may be made to spawn a wandering trader.

Each minute (1200 ticks), if / gamerule doTraderSpawning is set to true, the counter is decreased by 1200. When the world is created (or updated from an older version), a counter is initialized to 24000 ticks (20 real-life minutes, or 1 Minecraft day). In Bedrock Edition, they also try to spawn by a claimed bell in a village. They typically spawn within a 48-block radius of a player.

The wandering trader appears randomly in the Overworld with 2 leashed trader llamas.